The Writing Process

Some of this outline is basic and almost universal. You might find the info anywhere, but I've added a few things to it.

I.      Find a topic.
II.    Outline and create a thesis.
III.   Write a rough draft.
IV.    Revise.
V.     Revise.
VI.   Revise.
VII.  Write a final draft.

Here's the same outline with my videos. More to come.

I.      Find a topic.
        Topics for literature courses.

        Sometimes, research can inspire a topic. Pick an author and short to look up using these two
        videos for help.
        How to Research Online
        How to Research Using a Database

II.    Outline and create a thesis.
        The Five Paragraph Essay

III.   Write a rough draft.

IV.    Revise.
        Grammar and Mechanics

V.     Revise.
        Present Tense or tense shift

VI.   Revise.
        Inner Editor

        Now that your ideas are more solid than at the beginning you might try researching again.
        How to Research Online
        How to Research Using a Database

VII.  Write a final draft.

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